L D Quotes

Text Quotes
There is much satisfaction in work well done; praise is sweet; but there can be no happiness equal to the joy of finding a heart that understands (L D Quotes)
For me nature is not landscape, but the dynamism of visual forces, an event rather than an appearance. These forces can only be tackled by treating color and form as ultimate identities, freeing them from all descriptive or functional roles (L D Quotes)
Only now I’m learning to enjoy not being in charge of what the next stroke will do to the whole painting. I’m still learning that there are no mistakes, only discoveries (L D Quotes)
There is an eternal dispute between those who imagine the world to suit their policy, and those who correct their policy to suit the realities of the world (L D Quotes)
Every sunrise gives you a new beginning and a new ending. Let this morning be a new beginning to a better relationship and a new ending to the bad memories. Its an opportunity to enjoy life, breathe freely, think and love. Be grateful for this beautiful day (L D Quotes)
Memory, that library of the soul from which I will draw knowledge and experience for the rest of my life (L D Quotes)
The proper direction of man’s thought is not toward the creation of new laws for government, but toward the acceptance of every person’s moral dignity (L D Quotes)
If you feel driven to feed the poor, get your checkbook out and keep your tyrannical mouth shut about it (L D Quotes)
The mechanist is intimately convinced that a precise knowledge of the chemical constitution, structure, and properties of the various organelles of a cell will solve biological problems. This will come in a few centuries. For the time being, the biologist has to face such concepts as orienting forces or morphogenetic fields. Owing to the scarcity of chemical data and to the complexity of life, and despite the progresses of biochemistry, the biologist is still threatened with vertigo (L D Quotes)
I do not believe that the present flowering of science is due in the least to a real appreciation of the beauty and intellectual discipline of the subject. It is due simply to the fact that power, wealth and prestige can only be obtained by the correct application of science (L D Quotes)
True science is at length disencumbered of the empirical determinations which had accumulated in the course of many centuries (L D Quotes)
Disease is not something personal and special, but only a manifestation of life under modified conditions, operating according to the same laws as apply to the living body at all times, from the first moment until death (L D Quotes)
The great problem of today is, how to subject all physical phenomena to dynamical laws. With all the experimental devices, and all the mathematical appliances of this generation, the human mind has been baffled in its attempts to construct a universal science of physics (L D Quotes)
Peace is something more than the absence of war, although some nations would be thankful for that alone today. A durable and equitable peace system requires equal development opportunities for all nations (L D Quotes)
Nothing is sudden in nature: whereas the slightest storms are forecasted several days in advance, the destruction of the world must have been announced several years beforehand by heat waves, by winds, by meteorites, in short, by an infinity of phenomena (L D Quotes)
It is probably no exaggeration to suppose that in order to improve such an organ as the eye at all, it must be improved in ten different ways at once. And the improbability of any complex organ being produced and brought to perfection in any such way is an improbability of the same kind and degree as that of producing a poem or a mathematical demonstration by throwing letters at random on a table (L D Quotes)
There are still many unsolved problems about bird life, among which are the age that birds attain, the exact time at which some birds acquire their adult dress, and the changes which occur in this with years. Little, too, is known about the laws and routes of bird migration, and much less about the final disposition of the untold thousands which are annually produced (L D Quotes)
If people turn to look at you on the street, you are not well dressed, but either too stiff, too tight, or too fashionable (L D Quotes)
It’s a secret language, known to all different people, in different ways, that enables them to read a subliminal message without realising they’re reading it. It affects people on many levels, and even people who think they’re not into fashion, or reject fashion are then being informed just in the case of rejecting it. The fact that they had to react against it was a conscious decision (L D Quotes)
We do not live in several different, or even two different, worlds, a mental world and a physical world, a scientific world and a world of common sense. Rather, there is just one world; it is the world we all live in, and we need to account for how we exist as part of it (L D Quotes)
It was a very strange, disappointing race in that no one wanted to take it out. That’s why I took the lead. I wanted some people to run the real distance and that was frustrating. So I took the pace around the second lap, which in some ways is suicidal... but I wanted the pace to be honest (L D Quotes)
Seek and find the freedom of the spirit, for where there is true freedom, there is peace, and where there is peace, there is love,and it is love that unlocks all doors (L D Quotes)
Loving yourself is a willingness to be in the same space with your own creations. How contracted would you become if you try to withdraw from your own ideas? Loving yourself is not a matter of building your ego. Egotism is proving you are worthwhile after you have sunk into hating yourself. Loving yourself will dissolve your ego: you will feel no need to prove you are superior (L D Quotes)
Strength is a capacity for endurance. One of the dividends of suffering is the universal discovery the we posses a strength within us we never knew we had. Navigating through a difficult episode not only shows us that inner strength is there but convinces us it will always be there to serve us in the future. Overcoming gives us an assurance of personal confidence and value that far exceeds what we thought we possessed before our struggles began (L D Quotes)
When I saw the embryo, I suddenly realized there was such a small difference between it and my daughters. I thought, we can’t keep destroying embryos for our research. There must be another way (L D Quotes)
I shall discuss the broad patterns of hominoid evolution, an exercise made enjoyable by the need to integrate diverse kinds of information, and use that as a vehicle to speculate about hominoid origins, an event for which there is no recognized fossil record. Hence, an opportunity to exercise some imagination (L D Quotes)
As each sun rises, it is your choice to wait for some special day to celebrate, or to celebrate that each day is special (L D Quotes)
Although wrongs have been done to me, I live in hopes. I have not got two hearts... Now we are together again to make peace. My shame is as big as the earth, although I will do what my friends have advised me to do. I once thought that I was the only man that persevered to be the friend of the white man, but since they have come and cleaned out our lodges, horses and everything else, it is hard for me to believe the white men any more (L D Quotes)
There’s nothing on it worthwhile, and we’re not going to watch it in this household, and I don’t want it in your intellectual diet (L D Quotes)
The hopeful part about that is when you do have that help, you will feel better. It still doesn’t make this easy. Nothing makes this easy, but you can make better decisions (L D Quotes)